Professional Development FAQ


What is NYFA Coaching?

NYFA Coaching offers 20-minute, 30-minute, or 45-minute remote sessions with NYFA staff or industry professionals via Zoom.

How can I reserve my NYFA Coaching session?

Reserve your session using our simple online platform. Select your coach and type of session, and then select the time slot that works best for your schedule. After you press the continue button, you will be sent to the registration form. Make sure you provide all requested information so that our coaches can give you their best feedback and recommendations.

How will I know which coach will best support my needs?

On our Career Advice page, you can read more about each individual coach and their speciality, as well as browse our available sessions. Each session is designed to help you with a particular topic or inquiry; we invite you to select the one that is the best fit for you and your professional needs. If you need a different coach for different reasons, then book separate sessions.

How do I know if I need a short or a long session?

20-minute sessions are recommended for review of materials such as cover letters or bios. Longer, 30 or 45-minute sessions are recommended for portfolio presentations, artist statements, grant proposals, applications for exhibitions and residencies, and curatorial project proposals.

How can I contact the coach after registering for a Zoom session?

If you need to get in touch, you can email [email protected], as our coaches only communicate through NYFA channels.

What happens if I’m late for my coaching session?

If you are late for your appointment, you will receive the remaining time available.

Have additional questions about NYFA Coaching?

All other technical instructions are provided at the time of registration. Any other questions, contact [email protected].


What are Doctor’s Hours?

Doctor’s Hours are 25-minute, remote one-on-one consultation sessions with up to three arts professionals.

How can I share my work with consultants if I’m attending remote consultation sessions?

Zoom allows you to share your screen with the consultant, and you can also send them links to documents/images or to your websites using the platform’s chat function.

How can I register for Doctor’s Hours sessions?

We announce upcoming Doctor’s Hours sessions on our blog. The blog post will highlight participating consultants and their bios, and will have information on when and how you can register for Doctor’s Hours session(s); the registration link is typically made live one week after the new sessions are announced. If you visit the post at the date and time that registration opens and don’t see a live link, refresh your browser window.

How can I secure a session when consultants book very quickly?

Since you have some time to read about and research consultants’ expertise before you have access to the registration form, we recommend identifying more potential consultants you would like to see rather than having one to three names on your list. This way, if you cannot book a session with your top choices, you can easily move to other consultants without missing the opportunity to attend the Doctor’s Hours event.

Do you have a waiting list?

Yes, we have a waiting list. Please provide your name, phone number, and email address, and we will contact you if a spot becomes available.

How should I prepare for the event?

We encourage you to think about what specific questions or goals you have in mind in order to take best advantage of your time with our consultants. The appointments are most useful to people when they have an idea of the type of feedback or advice they are hoping to get. This enables your consultant to provide you with a more focused session.

What should ‘bring’ to the session?

Please have your portfolio or a way to show your artworks. A pen and paper/notepad is useful to jot down notes during and after your session.

How do you select Doctor’s Hours consultants?

NYFA carefully chooses consultants that are established in their field and invested in the Doctor’s Hours program and the artists that it serves. All of our consultants are individuals that are dedicated to helping artists succeed. We provide bios on each consultant, which gives you the opportunity to research them in advance and decide who would be appropriate for the advice and feedback you are seeking.

Can you give me the consultant’s contact information?

We do not give out the consultant’s personal information. If you would like to follow up with the consultant, please reach out to us and we will contact the consultant for permission.


What are Work Sample Reviews?

We offer organizations and academic institutions the opportunity to conduct work sample reviews with their constituents with the guidance and expertise of outside arts professionals and NYFA staff. This provides participants with a behind-the-scenes experience of an artistic review panel.

Is this program open to individuals?

No. NYFA works with organizations and academic institutions to provide this service to their constituents and students.

I am interested in offering this program to my organization’s constituents. What are my next steps?

Please contact [email protected] for pricing and availability with the subject line “Professional Development Services Inquiry.”


What are Entrepreneurial Intensives?

These trainings—which cover topics including finance, law, marketing, and fundraising—serve artists, creatives, students, and arts administrators and are customized to fit the needs of participants and partners over one to several days.

How often does NYFA offer its Entrepreneurial Intensives?

NYFA offers full day Entrepreneurial Intensives that are open to the public two-three times a year. We offer additional entrepreneurial programs through our educational partners that may also be open to the public. We recommend signing up on our mailing list for more information.

How can I register for an intensive? Is the intensive open to the public?

Yes, our Entrepreneurial Intensives are open to the public and you can find information on upcoming sessions on our Trainings page. There is a program fee which can vary depending on access to funding support and our partners.

Do you require any specific materials (i.e. work samples) before registration?

While we won’t ask for any materials such as work samples, we will ask you to answer questions on the registration form that will help us to better understand the event audience, the disciplines represented, and what your goals are for participating in the program. This information is taken into consideration when designing the intensive.

Will I receive schedule and curriculum information in advance?

Yes, you will receive both at least one week prior to the date of the intensive.

Do you share materials from the Intensives with participants?

Yes, all NYFA worksheets, information, and presentation materials will be shared with attendees. We may not always be able to share presentations developed by outside professionals.


What is Online Learning?

Our online learning program offers professional development workshops on a variety of topics through a webinar platform. Visit our online learning page for more information. If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected] with “Online Learning” in the subject line.


I am new to the United States, do you have any advice? What programs are available?

We highly recommend visiting our Immigrant Artist Program page for access to information and resources. We also recommend attending professional development events, workshops, and programs that are open to the public.

Check our events calendar; sign up on our mailing list; and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn to hear about upcoming events and programs.

How do I know if I’m eligible to apply?

You are eligible to apply if you:

  • Live within commuting distance of the location described in the application open call. 
  • Were born outside of the United States; those born in U.S. Territories i.e. Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands, may apply.
  • Have been pursuing a career as an artist within the range of 1-10 years in the United States.
  • Are NOT currently enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate degree program.
How often do you offer the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program?

Generally, the core program is offered annually, though we may have additional program opportunities. We recommend you signing up to receive the Con Edison Immigrant Artist Newsletter to learn more about upcoming programs and open calls.

The mentoring program is focused on serving discipline(s) that I don’t identify with. What other programs do you offer?

Through the Immigrant Artist Resource Center, we offer events and workshops that any disciplines can attend. We have previously offered the program to performing, literary, socially engaged, and visual and multidisciplinary artists, depending on the resources available.

Does my immigration status affect my eligibility to apply?

inquire about your immigration status. Eligibility for this program is based on you being born outside of the United States or in United States territories, ie. Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

I’ve lived in the United State for more than 10 years. Am I eligible to apply?

From our experience, we’ve found the program is beneficial to more recent immigrants to the NYC area. Depending on the program, living in the U.S. for more than 10 years might affect your eligibility. However, NYFA also knows the stories of immigration can vary and will consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Can I apply if I live outside of the United States?

Unfortunately not. The program is designed to serve immigrant artists who are living in the U.S. at the time of application and those who can commit to participating in-person throughout the program’s duration. The resources shared are specific to local organizations and communities. We have other opportunities available, including online resources and we encourage you to check out our events calendar; sign up on our mailing list; and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn to hear about upcoming events and programs. 

I’m not based in the location stated in the open call. How can I get support for my practice?

There are other free/low cost resources that you can use if you cannot apply to the Immigrant Artist Mentoring program that are geared towards helping immigrant artists no matter where they live.

We recommend checking out upcoming events presented by the Immigrant Artist Resource Center. You can also visit our website for online resources including our Immigrant Artist Resource Directory and Business of Art page. Sign up for our bi-weekly NYFA News email and The Immigrant Artist Program (IAP) Newsletter to stay up-to-date on resources and opportunities in the arts.

The Profitable Artist, our comprehensive “how-to” guide to being a professional artist, is also available for purchase on our website. If you’re interested learning from industry experts on a range of arts career topics, NYFA offers online workshops that you can attend from the comfort of your home, studio, or anywhere with Internet access.


Can I buy the book if I live outside of the United States?

Yes, you can purchase on our website. The book costs $20, and you will receive an email within 2-4 days of purchase to confirm and for NYFA to collect $15 for international shipping.

I haven’t received my book yet. What’s the status?

You should generally receive your book within three weeks of purchase. Please contact [email protected] if you experience any delays.

Is it possible to purchase the book if I don’t have a PayPal account?

Creating a PayPal account is easy and free. If you would still like to buy the book without using PayPal, email [email protected].

Can I purchase a book at NYFA’s Manhattan office?

No, please purchase your book online here. NYFA’s workforce is hybrid, and public hours are reserved for events.

Image: A participant in one of NYFA’s online workshops refers to NYFA’s popular The Profitable Artist book, Image Credit: NYFA